Activities 2018-19

In 2018-19, SCCAR hosted a series of activities, including:

  • Skills Workshops: Providing an opportunity to learn more about spatial technologies from in-house experts at RMIT. [SCCAR Tableau Skills Workshop, September, Gallery]
  • Developing Impact: Connecting you with industry to showcase the impact of Spatial at RMIT and develop new applied research funding. [FrontierSI/RMIT Workshop 20/11/2018, Gallery] and [“Mapping in Minutes” Textron/RMIT Grand Challenge 6/12/2018]
  • Developing Collaboration: Connecting Spatial researchers at RMIT to develop new collaborative research. [Indigenous Knowledge of Space and Place Workshop 20/11/2018]
  • Policy Advice: Partnering with Policy@RMIT to develop new capacity to provide policy advice on Spatial to government.
  • 2019 ECP Conference: Planning together a SCCAR event at the 2019 ECP Conference. [ECP SCCAR event coming February]
  • 2018-19 Annual Report: Producing a second annual report with information about Spatial research at RMIT, and widely distributed internally and to industry.

In addition there are two major international conferences hosted at RMIT in 2018 of interest to Spatial researchers:

  • GIScience 2018: 10th International Conference on Geographic Information Science, 28-31 August 2018, RMIT.
  • Multi-GNSS Asia 2018: 10th Multi-GNSS Asia Conference, 23-25 October 2018, RMIT.

You may also be interested to see what past activities SCCAR supported 2017-18.